Only two candidates now remain for Helensburgh’s vacant waterfront site after they were identified as preferred bidders by council chiefs.
A report has revealed that the two contenders will now proceed to an interview stage to further clarify who will take over the area in front of the town’s leisure centre.
And an Argyll and Bute Council official warned that Helensburgh may see further expenditure “leaking” to nearby Dumbarton and Alexandria “if no action is taken”.
It is also stated that council officers are continuing to investigate the development of a new skatepark at the town’s Kidston Park.
The report went before the council’s Helensburgh and Lomond area committee last week.
Details of the bidders for the waterfront site are being kept confidential in several appendices to a report by executive director Douglas Hendry.
Mr Hendry said: “The PDWG (Property Development Working Group) summary assessment of the offers and assessment criteria is attached as Appendix C, which is publicly restricted due to the commercially sensitive information contained within it. From this exercise, two candidates were selected as preferred bidders as outlined in Appendix C.
“Avison Young, commercial consultants who marketed the site on behalf of the council, have also reviewed the proposals and their report is attached as Appendix D which is publicly restricted due to the commercially sensitive information contained within it.
“They have assessed them at a high level based on quality, compliance, financial covenant, experience, jobs created and NDR revenue. Avison Young have advised that they are satisfied that the two preferred bidders selected represent the best value to the council.
“The intention is to undertake interviews with the two preferred candidates, supported by our commercial consultants Avison Young, to crystallise their proposals and work towards concluding terms for the development of the site to deliver the best economic position for the council.
“This will be the subject of a future report to the area committee and thereafter the policy and resources committee for approval.”
After Tuesday’s meeting, the area committee is next due to meet on Tuesday, June 12, and the policy and resources committee’s next meeting thereafter is on Thursday, August 15.
However, it is possible that either committee could hold a special meeting before those dates.
Mr Hendry also said: “Officers also instructed a retail assessment to be undertaken to assess the potential impact of any retail/commercial development and to assess if it would be beneficial in retaining spend which is currently lost to other surrounding towns.
“While this is not required for a town centre development site, it will hopefully assist to address some of the concerns raised in the community engagement process.
“It is notable that adjacent towns such as Dumbarton and Alexandria are progressing with town centre commercial developments and there is a risk that Helensburgh may see further expenditure leaking to these centres if no action is taken.”
In relation to the skatepark, Mr Hendry added: “As agreed at the Area Committee on December 12 2023, officers have commenced further investigations into the option of developing a new skatepark at Kidston Park.
“DB3 Architects are supporting this work and will be undertaking topographical surveys of the park and initial design work to be discussed with the Helensburgh Skatepark Group.”