Your support helps The Independent cover important stories from reproductive rights to Big Tech, with investigations on Elon Musk’s PAC and documentaries like ‘The A Word’. Donations fund journalists on the ground, providing unbiased reporting accessible to all. Musk’s influence on Trump, including leading a government efficiency agency and involvement in the re-election campaign, has raised questions among insiders, with reports of their close interactions and discussions with world leaders like Zelensky, sparking concerns of undue influence and illegal activities.
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Starmer Warns Trump 'All Options Are On The Table' After US Puts Tariffs On British Steel
British Prime Minister Keir Starmer expressed disappointment in response to US President Donald Trump's decision to impose 25% tariffs on steel and aluminium imports, warning that all options are on the table for the UK's retaliatory measures. Trade unions have raised concerns about potential job losses in the British steel industry and called for decisive action from the government. While negotiations for a tariff-free economic deal with the US are ongoing, the UK remains open...
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