Amidst the recent political upheaval within the BJP in Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, all eyes are now on the party’s high command as they navigate their next steps. With key leaders resigning and tensions rising, the party’s leadership will need to act swiftly to maintain control and unity within the party. As the political landscape continues to shift, the decisions made by the BJP’s top officials will undoubtedly have far-reaching implications for the party’s future.
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Army foils infiltration bid along LoC in J-K's Poonch; two LeT terrorists killed
Two terrorists were killed in an attempted infiltration across the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir's Poonch district, as alert troops engaged them in an intense firefight at Khari Karmara. The operation led to the recovery of multiple weapons, and a massive search operation is ongoing in the area to ensure no other threats remain present. Full Article
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