A scrumptious hotel breakfast filled with variety enhances the hotel stay experience with delicious cold and warm dishes and sweet pastries. To recreate a hotel breakfast at home, focus on offering a variety of luxury treats, setting the mood with relaxed music, and making preparations in advance for a stress-free morning. Additionally, ensure the breakfast is visually appealing by incorporating colorful dishes, elegant platters, and fresh flowers for a luxurious touch.
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Africa: Trump Attacks Global Minimum Tax
President Donald Trump's withdrawal from the OECD minimum 15% global tax deal could potentially harm Africa, impacting efforts to curb multinational tax avoidance practices that have led to significant financial losses on the continent. Trump's executive order threatens protective measures against foreign countries that tax US companies, raising concerns about sovereignty and retaliatory tax regimes. The OECD global tax deal aims to ensure large multinationals pay a minimum level of tax in all jurisdictions, potentially...
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