The second instalment of Ryan Murphy’s true crime series focuses on Erik and Lyle Menéndez, who are serving life sentences for murdering their parents in the late 1980s. As a result of the show’s popularity, songs by Milli Vanilli and Crowded House have re-entered the top 40 charts, with Don’t Dream It’s Over at 37 and I’m Gonna Miss You at 40. This resurgence of old songs due to popular shows or films is a recurring trend, with Monsters: The Lyle And Erik Menéndez Story currently available for streaming on Netflix.
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Impact of football tournaments on the environment is getting worse, not better: Irish research
A team of researchers led by Conor McCarthy found that the impact of high-profile international football tournaments on the environment is worsening despite commitments to 'zero emissions' strategies. The 34-year study, involving 895 matches from 1990 to 2024, revealed that FIFA's decisions to co-host tournaments across multiple countries have led to increased emissions due to extensive team travel. The study recommended hosting group stages in single cities or regions to reduce carbon emissions, with the...
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