Your support for The Independent allows for on-the-ground reporting on critical issues like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech. As Brexit’s impact continues to unfold five years later, the cost is estimated at £30.2bn in settlement with the EU, with ongoing effects on trade, investment, and labor markets. Despite optimistic views, Brexit has led to trade barriers, reduced living standards, and a historic disaster according to experts and former deputy prime minister Lord Heseltine.
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Migrants unlawfully housed at government’s flagship asylum site Wethersfield
Home Secretary Yvette Cooper was found to have acted unlawfully by housing asylum seekers at a former RAF base without assessing the impact on vulnerable individuals, breaching the Equality Act. The High Court ruled that the government's failure to fulfill duties to migrants with special needs at RAF Wethersfield was in violation of the law, prompting calls for the closure of the site by refugee charity Care4Calais due to the mental distress inflicted on residents....
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