Ten pilot whales stranded at Farewell Spit in Golden Bay, with eight still alive. Department of Conservation plans to refloat the whales at high tide on Wednesday afternoon. Golden Bay Operations Manager Ross Trotter noted signs of previous strandings and volunteers are working to keep the whales cool in hopes of successfully refloating the pod.
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Govt pledges $4.5m boost to QEII National Trust
Conservation Minister Tama Potaka announced a $4.5 million funding boost for QEII National Trust to support partnerships with landowners in creating protected areas under covenants. The Trust has a successful track record in safeguarding biodiversity habitats, with a focus on lowland and coastal zones, protecting 187,000ha of land over 50 years. Additional funding of $5.8 million annually for the next three years will benefit the Trust and Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust Sanctuary, ensuring continued conservation...
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