Telegram messaging app CEO Durov has reportedly been arrested in France. The reasons for his arrest remain unclear, but this development has raised concerns among users of the popular messaging platform. Durov’s situation in France is being closely monitored for further updates.
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8 of the best properties for sale for around £2 million
In Norfolk, a Grade II-listed former watermill and miller's house on the River Wissey with original mill workings, 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 4 receptions, stables, and 7.5 acres is listed for £2 million by Sowerbys. In Oxfordshire, Culworth House, a Georgian property with panelled walls, 10 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 3 receptions, outbuildings, and 5.22 acres is priced at £1.95 million by Savills. Anick Hall in Northumberland offers exposed beams, Yorkshire stone floors, 5 bedrooms, 5...
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