Telegram messaging app CEO Durov has reportedly been arrested in France. The reasons for his arrest remain unclear, but this development has raised concerns among users of the popular messaging platform. Durov’s situation in France is being closely monitored for further updates.
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Daniel KÅ™etÃnský £5.3bn bid for Royal Mail owner to get greenlight from UK government
The UK government has approved Czech billionaire Daniel KÅ™etÃnský's £5.3bn takeover of Royal Mail, with a "golden share" retained by the government for governance. KÅ™etÃnský's EP Group will uphold commitments including maintaining UK operations and meeting delivery obligations. This decision comes after Royal Mail was fined £10.5mn for failing to meet performance targets, highlighting the challenges faced by KÅ™etÃnský in modernizing the postal service. Full Article
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