Your support for The Independent helps fund on-the-ground reporting on critical issues like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech. Donations enable journalists to cover stories from all perspectives without paywalls, ensuring quality journalism is accessible to everyone. In cricket news, Jos Buttler’s decision to focus solely on batting in England’s T20 series victory over the West Indies paid off, with Saqib Mahmood impressing as player of the series for his bowling skills and hard work after overcoming injury.
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World Cup kiss with football boss Luis Rubiales was not consensual, Jenni Hermoso tells sex assault trial
A trial is underway in Spain where former football federation boss Luis Rubiales faces assault and coercion charges for allegedly kissing World Cup winner Jenni Hermoso without her consent. The incident, which occurred after Spain's victory at the Women's World Cup final in 2023, sparked outrage and led to widespread protests. Prosecutors are seeking a prison sentence of two and a half years for Rubiales, along with damages and a ban from working as a...
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