In war-torn Maaret al-Numan, Syria, devastated by years of conflict, residents like Bilal al-Rihani are returning to rebuild their lives and businesses despite the destruction. The town, once bustling with nearly 100,000 people, became a ghost town due to the strategic importance of the M5 highway, leading to fierce battles between various factions. While challenges remain, including the lack of basic services, displaced residents are determined to restore their homes and start anew in the aftermath of the civil war.
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Gaza Residents Return to Vast Destruction in Old Neighborhoods
Gazans return to devastated neighborhoods in Gaza, salvaging what they can, while Israelis await news about recently released hostages as the cease-fire holds. The hostages receive medical and psychological care, with one expressing happiness at being back. The truce allows for the release of more hostages and Palestinian prisoners, sparking celebrations and bringing aid to Gaza, but challenges remain as negotiations and rebuilding efforts continue amidst uncertainty and hope for a lasting peace. Full Article
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