Your support helps The Independent to cover developing stories on reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, with a focus on factual reporting. Donations enable journalists to provide balanced coverage across the political spectrum without paywalls, ensuring quality journalism is accessible to all. Scotland’s late win against Poland in the Nations League kept their survival hopes alive, with captain Andy Robertson scoring the decisive goal in added time, leading to a two-legged relegation play-off in March.
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Benintendi HBP, out 4-6 weeks with broken hand
Chicago White Sox left fielder Andrew Benintendi will miss four to six weeks with a broken hand after being hit by a pitch in a spring training game, likely starting the season on the injured list. Benintendi, who signed a $75 million contract with the White Sox in 2023, has played in 286 games with the team, hitting 20 homers in 2024 but batting just .229, his worst average for a full season. The injury...
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