Your support helps The Independent to cover developing stories on reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, with a focus on factual reporting. Donations enable journalists to provide balanced coverage across the political spectrum without paywalls, ensuring quality journalism is accessible to all. Scotland’s late win against Poland in the Nations League kept their survival hopes alive, with captain Andy Robertson scoring the decisive goal in added time, leading to a two-legged relegation play-off in March.
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Travis Kelce plans to return to Chiefs for 2025 NFL season: 'I can't go out like that'
Travis Kelce plans to return to the Kansas City Chiefs for the 2025 NFL season after expressing dissatisfaction with his performance in the Super LIX loss to the Philadelphia Eagles. Chiefs general manager Brett Veach confirmed that the team is preparing for Kelce's return, as the tight end aims to get in the best shape of his life to redeem himself and not end his career on a negative note. Kelce, who will turn 36...
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