Delhi-Meerut Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS), known as Namo Bharat trains, will operate at 15-minute intervals, connecting Delhi to Meerut in under an hour with 11 stations along the 55-km corridor. Inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the fare from New Ashok Nagar to Meerut South ranges from Rs 20 to Rs 225, reducing travel time and boosting regional connectivity and economic growth. Anand Vihar and New Ashok Nagar stations, part of the new 13-km underground and elevated section, offer seamless multi-modal integration for commuters to travel efficiently between Meerut and Delhi.
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R-Day parade to have an extra dose of art & culture
The government aims to broaden the scope of the Republic Day parade by incorporating more cultural and societal elements alongside the traditional military aspect, as stated by Defence Secretary Rajesh Kumar Singh. This year's parade will feature over 5000 cultural performers to ensure a more diverse and engaging experience for all spectators. However, due to a recent crash, the indigenous Advanced Light Helicopters (ALH) fleet has been grounded, resulting in their absence from the flypast...
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