Your support helps The Independent cover important stories, from reproductive rights to Big Tech, with on-the-ground reporting. Donations allow for journalists to investigate and produce documentaries like ‘The A Word’, shining a light on critical issues. The Women’s Tennis Association has banned a man for exhibiting fixated behavior towards Emma Raducanu during a match at the Dubai Tennis Championships, ensuring player safety and well-being.
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'Locked in' Luka explodes as Lakers win in Denver
Dave McMenamin, Lakers and NBA reporter for ESPN, covered the Lakers and NBA for, the Cavaliers for, and the NBA for Luka Doncic led the Lakers to a 123-100 victory against the Denver Nuggets with 32 points, 10 rebounds, seven assists, and four steals, ending the Nuggets' winning streak and L.A.'s losing streak in Denver. Lakers coach JJ Redick praised Doncic's performance, emphasizing his importance in controlling the offense alongside LeBron James...
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