Sophia, the world-famous robot known for her ability to mimic facial expressions and hold human-like conversations, impressed attendees at an innovation fair in Zimbabwe with her interactions and knowledge on various topics. Hosted by the United Nations Development Program, Sophia engaged with Cabinet ministers, academics, students, and children, showcasing her AI capabilities and emphasizing her purpose of learning. Her visit aimed to inspire Zimbabwean youth to pursue careers in AI and STEM fields, as she charmed the crowd with her fashion sense and reassurances that robots are not a threat to humanity.
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Young siblings who went missing from Ohio months ago found in Iceland
Two young siblings reported missing in Ohio in October were located in Iceland this month by Icelandic police after their mother stopped taking her mental health medication and abandoned them, prompting a search involving multiple agencies. The children, ages 8 and 9, were found at a hotel in Reykjavik after traveling to London, the Island of Jersey, and a remote fishing village in Iceland. The mother is in a hospital in Iceland, while the children...
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