Your donation to The Independent helps support their on-the-ground reporting on critical issues like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech. They prioritize factual reporting over messaging, ensuring quality journalism is accessible to all without paywalls. In the upcoming Six Nations tournament, France is favored to win with a strong squad led by Antoine Dupont, while struggling Wales may face another wooden spoon. Player of the tournament predictions point to Dupont as a standout performer.
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Labour Minister Rejects Trump’s Take Over Gaza Plan
Labour minister Steve Reed rejected Donald Trump's proposal to relocate Gaza's inhabitants, advocating for their return to rebuild their lives. Trump suggested transforming Gaza into a prosperous area to prevent violence, but Reed emphasized the need for Palestinians to go back home and achieve lasting peace through a two-state solution. While acknowledging Trump's role in the ceasefire, Reed reiterated the UK government's stance on supporting Palestinians in rebuilding their shattered lives. Full Article
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