In India, a woman named Shayoni discovered she had endometriosis after years of debilitating pain, leading her to use the FemTech app Premom for more accurate ovulation tracking. The FemTech market in Asia, including apps like Luna Luna in Japan and Meet You in China, is rapidly growing, with a projected global market size of US$75.1 billion by 2025. These apps offer women empowerment in managing their health, though caution is advised for those with medical conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome.
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Farage challenges UK two-party system, threatens European-style fragmentation
In July, Nigel Farage of Reform UK won a seat in the House of Commons on his eighth attempt, aiming to shake up Britain's traditional two-party system. Farage predicts a political revolution with hundreds of newcomers under the Reform UK label by the next election in 2029, challenging both the Conservative and Labour parties as he gains momentum and becomes a frontrunner for the position of Prime Minister. The UK's political landscape is shifting towards...
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