Former School of Rock stars Caitlin Hale and Angelo Massagli, who played Marta and Frankie in the 2003 comedy, recently tied the knot in a wedding attended by their former castmates. The young cast, including Rivkah Reyes, Robert Tsai, and Maryam Hassan, reunited to celebrate the special occasion, reminiscing about their time on set and their enduring friendship. Angelo and Caitlin, who met during the film’s audition process, reconnected years later and eventually became romantically involved, showcasing the lasting bond formed through their School of Rock experience.
Lauren Laverne Announces She's Leaving Her BBC Radio 6 Music Show
Lauren Laverne has announced her departure from BBC Radio 6 Music after five years, citing her recovery from cancer as the reason for stepping down. She will be hosting a new mid-morning show upon her return in February, expressing gratitude for the support she received during her health journey. Laverne has also shared her cancer diagnosis and subsequent recovery on social media, emphasizing the importance of family and the beauty found in ordinary moments. Full...
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