Your support helps The Independent report on critical issues like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, providing in-depth coverage and investigations. Donations allow journalists to cover stories from both sides, ensuring quality journalism remains accessible to all. Manchester United manager Ruben Amorim expressed his support for Marcus Rashford to stay at the club, emphasizing the need for his talent to help the team succeed and reach their highest level of performance.
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David Allen: Johnny Fisher is nervous about fighting me – and I’m terrified of being knocked out | Boxing News
David Allen is confident in facing Johnny Fisher in a heavyweight fight, despite Fisher being the unbeaten favorite. Allen believes his experience and skill set make him the better fighter. Fisher, while acknowledging the spar with Allen, remains confident in his abilities and is prepared for a tough fight. The bout will take place on the Riyadh Season bill headlined by Oleksandr Usyk vs Tyson Fury on Sky Sports Box Office. Full Article
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