Your support enables The Independent to cover important stories from reproductive rights to climate change, without paywalls, ensuring quality journalism is accessible to all. Ruben Amorim has expressed concern over the influence of those around Marcus Rashford, offering his support to the Manchester United player amidst his recent absence from matches. Amorim emphasized the need to focus on Rashford’s performance on the pitch, as the team looks to improve their standings in the Premier League.
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Chelsea sign Keira Walsh from Barcelona as four-and-a-half-year deal confirmed
The Independent relies on reader support to cover important stories, from reproductive rights to climate change. Your donation enables their journalists to provide unbiased reporting on critical issues in the US. In the sports world, Keira Walsh has signed a four-and-a-half year deal with Chelsea, making her their second major signing after Naomi Girma. Walsh, a top midfielder and European champion, brings valuable experience to Chelsea as they aim for continued success in domestic and...
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