Your support helps The Independent tell important stories on reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, with investigative reporting on topics like Elon Musk’s PAC and American women fighting for reproductive rights. Donations allow journalists to cover critical moments in US history, providing unbiased reporting accessible to all. Ruben Amorim is set to become Manchester United’s new head coach after leading Sporting Lisbon, with his work permit pending for his upcoming role at Old Trafford following the departure of interim coach Ruud van Nistelrooy.
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Maro Itoje highlights key to England beating Wales in Cardiff
Your support helps The Independent cover important stories on reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, ensuring facts are separated from messaging. Donations allow journalists to report on critical moments in US history and provide quality journalism accessible to all. England captain Maro Itoje emphasizes the importance of aggression, composure, and intent ahead of their Six Nations clash with Wales in Cardiff, aiming to secure a top-two finish and potentially the title. Full Article
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