Reform MPs Nigel Farage, Lee Anderson, and Rupert Lowe have been accused of profiting from Elon Musk’s X platform, earning over £10,000 through the ‘Creator’ revenue programme. Farage, with the most earnings, has made over £5,000 since joining the scheme, sparking concerns of an “unholy alliance” with Musk. While Farage claims other MPs are also making money on X, they are the only ones to have disclosed payments, raising questions about transparency and potential conflicts of interest.
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Donald Trump returns with boast of golden age for America built on oil and tariffs
Your support helps The Independent cover important stories like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech. Donations enable journalists to report from the ground, providing unbiased coverage for all Americans. In Donald Trump's second term inauguration, he outlined a radical agenda, vowing to put America first, scrap diversity measures, and focus on oil production while also threatening tariffs and international conflicts. Full Article
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