Your support helps The Independent cover developing stories on reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech with unbiased reporting. Donations enable sending journalists to gather perspectives, ensuring quality journalism accessible to all without paywalls. Former adviser Jim O’Neill urges Labour’s Rachel Reeves to reconsider the state pension triple lock commitment, warning of economic constraints and the need for fiscal flexibility in the face of rising borrowing and downgraded growth projections.
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Major Madeleine McCann update as prime suspect Christian Brueckner seeks early release from prison
Investigators fear that Christian Brueckner, the prime suspect in Madeleine McCann's disappearance in 2007, could be freed soon unless they can urgently arrest him. Brueckner, a convicted child sex offender, is seeking early release from prison, potentially walking free in a matter of days. Prosecutors are nervous about the court's decision, with key witnesses being called in for secret meetings to prepare for possible charges against Brueckner. Full Article
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