Kristaps Porzingis is currently rehabbing from a left ankle injury and hopes to return to the court sometime in December, according to a recent update he provided to ESPN’s Ramona Shelburne. Although the Boston Celtics won’t have Porzingis starting at center for their game against the New York Knicks on Oct. 22, there is optimism that the 7-foot-2 big man could make his return before the end of 2024.
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Marc Cucurella masters ‘three positions’ to inspire Chelsea’s title charge
Your support enables The Independent to cover important stories from reproductive rights to climate change, with a commitment to fact-checking and investigative reporting. Donations help fund on-the-ground journalists to provide balanced coverage for all Americans, without paywalls. In a London derby, Marc Cucurella shone for Chelsea, scoring a crucial goal and showcasing his versatility and tactical intelligence under manager Enzo Maresca, despite receiving a red card after the match. Full Article
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