In 2024, 64 nations worldwide held elections, including India with Lok Sabha, assembly elections, and bypolls, resulting in Narendra Modi’s BJP securing a third term with fewer seats and forming coalitions for the first time. Incumbent governments were solidified in Maharashtra, Haryana, Jharkhand, Arunachal Pradesh, and Sikkim, with noteworthy leadership changes and political developments. The year also witnessed significant events in Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Jharkhand, West Bengal, and Jammu and Kashmir, including religious tensions, political crises, and societal movements, shaping the political landscape across these regions.
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Israeli airstrike hits a Gaza humanitarian zone as Netanyahu OKs a delegation to talks in Qatar
Israeli airstrikes in the Gaza Strip resulted in the deaths of 40 people, including children, targeting Hamas security officers and a humanitarian zone. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu authorized negotiations for a ceasefire, as displaced Palestinians in Muwasi were hit by the strikes, killing 10 people, including children and senior Hamas officers. The ongoing conflict has led to multiple ceasefire attempts, with no immediate response from Hamas. Full Article
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