Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to make history by being the first prime minister in 50 years to visit Jammu and Kashmir’s Doda district for a public rally ahead of the upcoming assembly elections, as announced by Union Minister Jitendra Singh. This visit marks a significant event in the region, showcasing Modi’s commitment to engaging with the people and addressing their concerns, particularly in a region with a complex political landscape. The visit reflects the government’s efforts to strengthen its presence and support in Jammu and Kashmir, highlighting the importance of the upcoming elections and the region’s strategic significance.
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‘Not Looking to Hurt Russia But’ Trump Threatens Sanctions, Zelensky Reveals Putin’s ‘Ultimatum’
US President Donald Trump warned Russian President Vladimir Putin of sanctions and tariffs unless a deal to end the Ukraine war is made immediately, praising Russia’s WWII contributions but emphasizing the need for peace. Ukrainian President Zelensky revealed Russia demanded his resignation, offering pro-Russian Viktor Medvedchuk as his replacement, with demands including recognizing Russian authorities in Donbas, limiting Ukraine’s army, and adopting Russian as an official language. Zelensky described this as an ultimatum, not negotiation,...
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