Former Conservative minister Richard Holden is leading a campaign to secure protected status for traditional pie and mash as “original fast food.” He and producers have approached Defra for Traditional Speciality Guaranteed (TSG) status. Holden will lead a parliamentary debate to advocate recognition for the dish as a quality scheme that protects food made using traditional methods or ingredients, similar to Bramley Apple pie filling and Cornish pasties.
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Enzo Maresca continues to play down Chelsea’s title chances despite latest win
Your support allows The Independent to cover important stories, from reproductive rights to climate change, with journalists on the ground. Your donation helps fund investigative work like exploring Elon Musk's PAC finances and producing documentaries like 'The A Word'. Despite a 2-1 win over Brentford, Chelsea's head coach Enzo Maresca believes they are not ready to compete for the Premier League title due to defensive lapses, while player Marc Cucurella received a red card after...
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