Wallace and Gromit made a return to screens on Christmas Day with their new film, Vengeance Most Fowl, the first new movie in a decade featuring Ben Whitehead as the voice of Wallace. Comedian Peter Kay reprised his role as PC Albert Mackintosh and included an improvised British-ism that puzzled American bosses at Netflix. Despite initial concerns about his availability, Kay delivered a stellar performance in the film, much to the delight of the producers.
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Biden awards Medal of Freedom to 19, including Hillary Clinton, Bono and Michael J Fox
The Independent relies on reader support to cover stories ranging from reproductive rights to climate change to Big Tech, providing in-depth investigations and documentaries like 'The A Word'. Donations help fund journalists on the ground, ensuring quality journalism accessible to all. The Presidential Medal of Freedom was awarded by President Biden to luminaries like Michael J. Fox, Hillary Clinton, and Bono, recognizing their contributions to society, culture, and politics. Full Article
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