Your support helps The Independent to cover important stories from reproductive rights to climate change to Big Tech, with a focus on investigative journalism and fact-checking. Donations enable reporters to be on the ground, providing unbiased reporting for all Americans without paywalls. In sports news, Patrick Mahomes led the Kansas City Chiefs to a 29-10 victory over the Pittsburgh Steelers, while Lamar Jackson helped the Baltimore Ravens dominate the Houston Texans 31-2, setting up a crucial AFC North division clash in the following week.
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Men's Sweet 16 live tracker: Highlights, updates, more on Ole Miss-Michigan State
ESPN staff is covering the final 11 games of March Madness, including four Sweet 16 matchups. No. 1 seeds Duke and Florida are already in the Elite Eight, with Auburn and Houston looking to join them. Tennessee faces Kentucky in a high-seeded matchup, while Michigan State takes on Ole Miss in Atlanta and Indianapolis. Follow live updates from on-site reporters as the action unfolds. Full Article
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