Paramilitary soldiers in Islamabad ensured security amid a four-day lockdown, which was lifted after clashes with supporters of imprisoned former Prime Minister Imran Khan demanding his release. Police used tear gas to disperse the protesters, leading to at least seven deaths. Khan’s wife and other demonstrators fled as police pushed back, following clashes when supporters breached security barriers in a high-security zone.
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Donald Trump has begun signing slew of executive orders on Day 1 – Chicago Tribune
President Donald Trump began his term with a flurry of executive actions, repealing Biden's orders, withdrawing from the Paris climate accords, freezing new federal regulations, and directing federal law enforcement to cease investigations of Trump supporters. Trump has more orders pending, including ending diversity funding, cracking down on border crossings, and easing oil production regulations. Additional plans include renaming the Gulf of Mexico and tightening border security measures, such as declaring a national emergency and...
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