The European Commission has allocated over €380 million for 133 new projects under the LIFE Programme, with additional funding from various sources, to support environmental sustainability and climate action goals set by the European Green Deal. Projects cover circular economy, nature and biodiversity, climate resilience, governance solutions, and clean energy transition, including initiatives like LIFE GRAPhiREC and LIFE POLITEX. These projects aim to contribute to the EU’s target of becoming climate-neutral by 2050 and halting biodiversity loss by 2030, showcasing a significant investment in the future well-being of the planet and its inhabitants.
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My affair with Liz Truss ruined my marriage, admits former Tory MP
Mark Field, former MP, details his affair with Liz Truss, shortest-serving UK prime minister, leading to marriage breakdown. They met in 2002, started working together, and spent increasing time together, with Truss displaying intense focus on success and politics. Their relationship began at a Conservative Party Conference and evolved into regular meetings and phone calls. Full Article
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