Ray Saunders, renowned for his work on public clocks in Vancouver, including the iconic Gastown Steam Clock, passed away at 84. His passion for clocks began in his teens when his father gave him a box of alarm clocks to rebuild. Despite a severe fall in 2020, Saunders continued his work, recently completing the restoration of the Vancouver Block neon clock.
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Trial in 2025 for man accused of killing Edmonton girlfriend in Scotland
Aren Bylot Pearson, a 40-year-old Alberta man, has been indicted for the murder of his 24-year-old girlfriend, Claire Leveque, in Scotland. The incident occurred while the couple was staying with Pearson's mother in the remote Shetland Islands, leading to Pearson's arrest and high-security incarceration. The trial is scheduled for October 6, 2025, in Edinburgh, as Claire's father, Clint Leveque, recalls the heartbreaking events leading to his daughter's tragic death. Full Article
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