Nigel Farage was hailed as “the next prime minister of Great Britain” during a lavish party at the Hay Adams hotel overlooking the White House, celebrating his close relationship with Donald Trump. The event, organized by Andy Wigmore and Arron Banks, gathered US and UK political figures, with hopes that Farage could restore Britain’s greatness. The gathering also marked the enduring friendship between Trump and Farage, with attendees optimistic about the potential for similar political victories in the UK and Europe.
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Donald Trump returns with boast of golden age for America built on oil and tariffs
Your support helps The Independent cover important stories like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech. Donations enable journalists to report from the ground, providing unbiased coverage for all Americans. In Donald Trump's second term inauguration, he outlined a radical agenda, vowing to put America first, scrap diversity measures, and focus on oil production while also threatening tariffs and international conflicts. Full Article
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