The Independent is seeking support to continue reporting on important issues such as reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech. They rely on donations to fund their investigative journalism and documentary production. A pro-Labour tax expert has called on Sir Keir Starmer to reverse the decision to charge a death tax on family farms worth over £1m, suggesting a £20m threshold instead to target rich landowners. The expert’s intervention has been praised by farmers and the National Farmers’ Union, who argue that the current tax policy will have a devastating impact on family farms. The proposal aims to save family farms from being forced to sell to pay a tax bill and instead target tax dodgers. The justification for the tax policy is unraveling, with protests and opposition from Labour MPs and the Institute for Fiscal Studies.
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Geminid meteor shower: How and where to catch a glimpse of ‘intense’ meteor storm over UK
In England, the Geminid meteor shower is currently peaking, offering stargazers the chance to witness dozens of shooting stars in just a few hours. The shower was visible from Northumberland to Somerset, with striking photos capturing the celestial scene. Photographer Lee Reid had a lucky viewing spot in Lindisfarne, Northumberland, and described the experience as exciting and rewarding. Full Article
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