In a time of critical US history, The Independent relies on support to cover important stories, from reproductive rights to climate change. Your donation helps keep journalists on the ground and allows access to quality journalism for all. Chelsea manager Enzo Maresca defends Mykhailo Mudryk, who tested positive for a banned substance, stating his belief in the player’s innocence and ongoing support from the team.
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Herschel Walker tabbed as ambassador to Bahamas
Herschel Walker, former NFL player and unsuccessful U.S. Senate candidate in Georgia, has been named by Donald Trump as the next U.S. ambassador to the Bahamas. The President-elect praised Walker's success in business and philanthropy, as well as his football career, and their long-standing relationship dates back to Walker's time playing for a team owned by Trump. Walker's confirmation will be required by the Senate next year, where Republicans hold the majority. Full Article
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