Myanmar’s military junta has passed a Cybersecurity Law to tighten control over communication channels amid civil war, aiming to combat cyber crimes and protect national sovereignty. The law penalizes unauthorized VPNs, online crime, and sharing “inappropriate” information, extending to citizens in foreign countries. Provisions for censorship, data sharing, and penalties signal a return to repressive military rule and crackdown on dissent in the country.
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British woman trapped in toilet dies in Thai dive boat fire
A British woman, Alexandra Clarke, died in a fire on a dive boat off Koh Tao, Thailand, while aboard the Davy Jones Locker en route to the Southwest Pinnacle dive site. Clarke was reportedly inside the toilet when the blaze started, triggered by a crew member filling diving tanks with compressed air which malfunctioned. The incident led to a distress signal being sent and shocked witnesses on nearby vessels witnessing the boat burning. Full Article
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