Renowned Indian chef Ritu Dalmia married partner Michaela Tedsen in a beautiful ceremony at Leeu Estates Hotel in South Africa, showcasing their distinctive styles. The couple shared heartfelt moments on Instagram, including photos of their inked thumbs symbolising the union and a vibrant floral cake. Dalmia, a culinary icon with restaurants in India and Italy, has been a vocal advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, notably challenging India’s anti-gay laws in a historic legal battle in 2018.
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India committed to free and inclusive Indo-Pacific: Army Chief Upendra Dwivedi
In a virtual address at a land forces summit in Japan, Indian Army Chief Gen Upendra Dwivedi reiterated India's commitment to regional stability and a free, open, and inclusive Indo-Pacific. The summit brought together army chiefs from nations like Japan, the United States, Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and South Korea, where Gen Dwivedi emphasized enhancing multinational defence cooperation and India's strategic perspective in the Indian Ocean Region. These remarks come amidst global concerns over China's...
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