Linus Torvalds recently criticized the current state of AI technology, stating it is mostly marketing rather than reality, with generative algorithms expected to become more useful in five years. He expressed disdain for the hype surrounding AI initiatives and highlighted the dominance of large companies in driving open-source development. Torvalds also discussed his preference for the C programming language over Rust and emphasized the importance of computer security in dealing with faulty hardware components.
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The fallout of Meta’s content moderation overhaul
Meta is eliminating its diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs in the US due to legal and policy concerns, according to a memo by Janelle Gale, the company's VP of human resources. The decision includes rolling back representation goals, ending the "diverse slate approach" to hiring, and focusing on fair practices to mitigate bias for all employees. Additionally, Meta will no longer source business suppliers from diverse-owned businesses. Full Article
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