Your support enables The Independent to cover important stories, from reproductive rights to Big Tech, with a focus on fact-based reporting and analysis. Mikel Arteta, Arsenal’s manager, has transformed the club’s culture and is thriving under pressure, constantly striving for improvement and success. Despite initial fears, Arteta now embraces the challenges of the job, prioritizing building a strong foundation and pursuing excellence in every aspect of his work.
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Yankees add strikeout RP Fernando Cruz from Reds in exchange for veteran C Jose Trevino
The New York Yankees bolstered their bullpen by acquiring strikeout reliever Fernando Cruz from the Cincinnati Reds in exchange for catcher Jose Trevino. Cruz, who led the Yankees' bullpen in strikeouts, brings a 4.86 ERA and 109 strikeouts in 66 2/3 innings from his 69 appearances with the Reds. The trade also involves catcher Alex Jackson, who may fill Trevino's backup role after signing a minor league deal with the Reds in November and batting...
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