The Independent relies on reader support to cover stories ranging from reproductive rights to climate change to Big Tech. Donations help fund investigative reporting and documentaries like ‘The A Word’. Marcus Rashford has expressed readiness to leave Manchester United after being left out of the squad for the Manchester derby, signaling a potential new challenge ahead for the 27-year-old striker. Despite setbacks, Rashford remains focused on his career progression and upcoming matches with the team.
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Wembley beckons for irrepressible Newcastle after damaging night for Arsenal
Your support helps The Independent to report on critical issues like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, with a commitment to factual accuracy and unbiased reporting. By donating, you enable journalists to cover stories from all perspectives, ensuring quality journalism remains accessible to all. Newcastle United advances to the Carabao Cup final after defeating Arsenal with goals from Jacob Murphy and Anthony Gordon, showcasing Eddie Howe's ability to lead the team to success through...
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