Your support helps The Independent cover important stories, from reproductive rights to climate change to Big Tech. By donating, you enable journalists to report from the ground and provide unbiased coverage for all Americans. Real Madrid and Manchester City are at odds with their respective leagues, with City challenging new rules and Madrid accusing officials of bias, showcasing a willingness to challenge the status quo in football.
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Kuzma daps up ex-Wiz teammate in 'weird' scene
Kyle Kuzma returned to Washington as a member of the Milwaukee Bucks, scoring 19 points in a 104-101 victory over his former team, the Wizards. Kuzma reflected on his time with the Wizards fondly but acknowledged the trade was necessary due to the team's rebuild. With key players like Bobby Portis Jr. and Damian Lillard unavailable, Kuzma's performance for the Bucks was crucial in their win, despite Giannis Antetokounmpo fouling out early in the game....
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