The appointment of Mamta Kulkarni as Mahamandaleshwar has sparked a rift in the Kinnar Akhada, prompting founder Rishi Ajay to take action, potentially removing Acharya Mahamandaleshwar Lakshmi Narayan Tripathi. The announcement is expected today at noon, causing tensions and differing opinions within the religious community and leading to internal conflict within the influential Akhada.
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Europe is pouring money into defence. But is it enough?
European leaders are facing pressure to increase military spending amidst the conflict in Ukraine and an isolationist U.S. presidency, as outdated equipment and undersized forces pose significant challenges. With Trump's push for a 5% GDP spending on defense and rising costs, European nations are considering shifting funds from social programs to enhance military capabilities against emerging threats. The debate over reallocation of resources highlights the necessity for European countries to strengthen their defense capabilities in...
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