Mamta Kulkarni was expelled from Kinnar Akhara at the Maha Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj, along with Mahamandaleshwar Laxminaryan Tripathi, who inducted her and faced accusations of violating rules. Rishi Ajay Das, founder of Kinnar Akhara, announced plans to restructure the sect after Kulkarni was designated as Mahamandaleshwar without his knowledge, prompting criticism from figures like Baba Ramdev and transgender Kathavachak Jagatguru Himangi Sakhi Maa for her sudden anointment and past involvement in drug cases.
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Hamas names Israeli hostages to be freed on Saturday
Hamas announced plans to release three additional hostages, including the father of the youngest captives taken on Oct. 7, 2023, an Israeli-American, and another man, in exchange for Palestinian prisoners. The fate of the father's other family members remains unknown at this time, as negotiations continue for the release of the hostages. Full Article
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