Artasia Viges, 24, falsely reported her young son’s kidnapping in Louisiana, but he was found unattended with injuries in a parking lot. The child’s statement contradicted his mother’s, revealing that he was left alone on a major roadway. Viges admitted to leaving her son unattended, resulting in charges of cruelty to juveniles and child desertion, and she is currently in jail on a $200,000 bond.
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Supreme Court appears likely to side with Catholic Church and Trump in key religious exemption case
The Supreme Court is leaning towards supporting Wisconsin-based Catholic Charities in their dispute with the government over a state ruling that affects their ability to care for the sick and poor. The group argues that their mission of helping others, regardless of faith, is a core religious practice. Justices expressed concerns about the state interfering in religious matters and violating the First Amendment by denying the charity a tax exemption based on religious behavior criteria....
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