A close female friend once told the author, Xi Ren, that if she became ugly one day, she would kill herself, highlighting her perfectionist tendencies and societal pressure on appearance. Despite being complimented for her physical beauty growing up, Ren believed in the importance of inner worth over external appearance. Years later, facing immense stress from family health issues and a toxic work environment, Ren experienced a physical and emotional breakdown, challenging her belief that beauty isn’t everything and leading her to reevaluate her priorities and values.
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China’s Vow of ‘Leniency’ in Plea Deals Erodes Rights to Fair Trial
When South Korean soccer player Son Jun-ho signed with a Chinese club, he symbolized China's ambition in the sport, but after being detained by Chinese police and pressured into signing a confession for bribery and match-fixing, he became a victim of China's legal system. Son, who maintained his innocence, was coerced into admitting guilt under duress, showcasing the use of plea leniency in China's justice system, which has been criticized for being unfair and lacking...
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