Your support allows The Independent to cover important stories, from reproductive rights to climate change to Big Tech, with a focus on facts over messaging. Trusted by Americans across the political spectrum, The Independent provides quality journalism without paywalls. Salford captain Curtis Tilt, who once worked in a quarry, will lead his team against Manchester City in the FA Cup, showcasing his journey from operating heavy equipment to facing top football talent.
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Jamie George set to miss England’s Six Nations opener in major blow for Steve Borthwick
Injuries have hit the England rugby team ahead of the Six Nations, with Jamie George and Alex Mitchell among those forced to withdraw from the opening fixture against Ireland. George's absence as captain due to a hamstring injury is a significant blow, while Mitchell's potential unavailability at scrum half could also impact the team's performance. Replacements have been called up, including Ben Spencer and rising star Henry Pollock, as England prepares for the tournament under...
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