The Independent is seeking support to continue reporting on important issues such as reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech. Your donation helps fund journalists on the ground to provide unbiased coverage. In other news, the Lawn Tennis Association in Britain will ban transgender women from playing in most domestic female competitions starting January 25, 2025, citing physiological advantages of individuals assigned male at birth. This policy change follows an 18-month consultation process with affected groups and other sports organizations.
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Kirsty Muir relishing crack at second Winter Olympics after serious knee injury
The Independent relies on reader support to cover important stories ranging from reproductive rights to climate change. Your donation allows them to send journalists to report on critical issues. Kirsty Muir, a young freestyle skier, has overcome a serious injury and is aiming to qualify for her second Winter Olympics in Milan and Cortina. Despite setbacks, Muir remains motivated and focused on her goal of competing at the highest level. Full Article
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