Your donation to The Independent supports their on-the-ground reporting on crucial issues like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, ensuring that factual information is prioritized over messaging. With a commitment to providing quality journalism accessible to all, The Independent relies on reader support to continue sending journalists to cover both sides of the story. King Charles expressed gratitude for the medical care he and Princess Diana received during their cancer treatments in his Christmas speech, while also acknowledging community resilience in response to tragic events and highlighting the ongoing global challenges of conflict and prejudice.
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Trump turns on Starmer and allies in new Ukraine tirade – even as PM insists US is vital to peace deal
Donald Trump criticized European leaders, including Sir Keir Starmer, for their talks over Ukraine, launching a furious attack on Volodymyr Zelensky for saying a peace deal is far away. Despite UK MPs urging to shun Trump, Sir Keir emphasized America's importance in peace efforts. Trump threatened to withdraw military aid to Ukraine and questioned the strength of European leaders in dealing with Russia, deepening the diplomatic crisis after Zelensky was bullied in the White House....
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