The Independent relies on reader donations to fund investigative journalism on topics like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, providing unbiased reporting accessible to all. Kim Deal, iconic musician from Pixies and The Breeders, reflects on her first solo album, “Nobody Loves You More,” inspired by personal loss and growth, showcasing her evolution as a musician with a diverse sound. The album features unexpected elements like ukulele, showcasing Deal’s creative freedom beyond her band collaborations.
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Ozzy Osbourne reveals he can no longer walk ahead of massive final Black Sabbath show
Your support allows The Independent to cover crucial stories on reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, sending reporters to the frontlines and providing quality journalism accessible to all. Ozzy Osbourne, battling Parkinson's disease, will reunite with Black Sabbath for a final show in July, featuring a lineup of metal legends and profits benefitting charities. Tickets for the event go on sale February 14, promising a historic gathering of rock and metal icons. Full Article
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