Stuart Campbell, convicted of the murder of schoolgirl Danielle Jones, has made a second bid for release without revealing her body’s whereabouts. The Parole Board is reviewing his case despite previous rejection due to his continued refusal to disclose information. Danielle’s mother and Campbell’s brother have urged him to reveal the location of the body, but he has not done so. Campbell, found guilty of abducting and murdering Danielle in 2001, remains in prison as he serves a life sentence.
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'She Asked Me If I Wanted To Go Half On A Baby': People Share Their WTF Dating Moments
In a recent Reddit thread, users shared their biggest "wtf?!" moments from first dates. One person's date mentioned enjoying "the occasional Saturday night gangbang", while another offered fully rotten bananas as a snack. Another individual proposed going half on a baby on the first date, and one date ended with the revelation that the person had been in jail for breaking into their ex's apartment. Full Article
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