Your support enables The Independent to report on developing stories, from reproductive rights to climate change to Big Tech, with a focus on facts over messaging. Donations help send journalists to cover critical moments in US history, providing trusted reporting accessible to all. Bank of England’s warning on post-Brexit trade relations prompts calls for a reset with the EU, as concerns mount over economic impact and the need for substantive details to maintain momentum. Keir Starmer faces pressure to clarify his plans for a closer cooperation with the EU, amidst criticism of vague ambitions and the rejection of certain offers.
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Ellen DeGeneres clashes with Cotswolds council over extension at £15million new home
Councillors are concerned over Ellen DeGeneres' extension on her £15million Cotswolds home, fearing it may have disturbed Roman remains. DeGeneres and wife Portia de Rossi purchased the farmhouse for £2.5million over asking price last year. Despite the extension meeting high standards, parish councillors raised issues regarding potential disturbance of historic remains and flood risk in the village due to a hedge and wire fence. Full Article
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